Code source de lgrez.blocs.realshell

"""lg-rez / blocs / Émulation de terminal Python (avancé)

Permet d'utiliser un terminal Python directement dans Discord
(implémentation de


import re
import sys
import enum
import asyncio

import asyncode

from lgrez import config
from lgrez.blocs import tools

def _py_bloc(data):
    return tools.code_bloc(data, "py")

[docs]class RealShellExit(RuntimeError): """Terminal exited (:exc:`SystemExit` catched or stop button). Derivates from :exc:`RuntimeError`. """ pass
[docs]class RSCommand(enum.Enum): """:class:`~enum.Enum`: Shell controll commands. These commands allow to control the shell in ways impossible with plain Discord messages: change indentation (leading spaces in messages are stripped), send empty lines, send EOF (^D). Enum values are unicode emojis codepoints used for emoji control of the shell. Override this class (you may not define all values to disable some features) to change them. Emojis are displayed in the same order members are defined: Attributes: HOME: Reset indentation to 0. UNTAB: Decreases indentation by one level. TAB: Increases indentation by one level. ENTER: Send empty line. EOF: Send EOF signal (^D in \*nix, ^Z + Enter in Windows.) """ HOME = "\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}" UNTAB = "\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE}" TAB = "\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE}" ENTER = "\N{LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK}" # close to "enter" sign EOF = "\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}"
[docs]class RealShell(asyncode.AsyncInteractiveConsole): """Python shell inside LGBot. (subclass of :class:`asyncode.AsyncInteractiveConsole`) Args: channel (discord.TextChannel): Chan in which run the shell (show and wait for commands). While the shell is running, every message in this channel will be interpreted and deleted by this shell. locals, filename: passed to :class:`asyncode.AsyncInteractiveConsole`. """ def __init__(self, channel, locals={}, filename="!shell"): """Initialize self""" = = channel self.message = None self.content = "" self.indent = 0 self.rsbuffer = "" locals["_shell"] = self super().__init__(locals, filename)
[docs] async def interact(self, banner=None, exitmsg="Byebye!"): """Launchs the shell. (see :meth:`asyncode.AsyncInteractiveConsole.interact`) """ wait = _py_bloc("Launching Python shell...\n") self.message = await if banner is None: base = ('Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for ' 'more information.\nasync REPL: use "await" directly ' 'instead of\n') dsc = ('Discord implementation: the caret (‸) indicates the ' 'current position of the cursor.\nUse control reactions or ' 'send "<", ">", "=" to (un)indent it and send empty lines.') banner = f"Python {sys.version} on {sys.platform}\n{base}\n{dsc}\n" try: await super().interact(banner, exitmsg) except SystemExit as exc: await self.write(f"\n{exitmsg}", refresh=True, show_caret=False) raise RealShellExit(*exc.args) finally: await self.message.clear_reactions()
[docs] async def control(self, command, times=1): """Applies the effect of a shell control. Args: command (.RSCommand): shell command to compute. times (int): repeat the command several times. Makes sense for :attr:`.RSCommand.TAB` and :attr:`.RSCommand.UNTAB` only. Returns: - ``None`` -- if further instructions are needed. - :class:`str` -- if instruction is complete (push this into the shell!) Raises: .RealShellExit: if asked to stop shell (EOF). """ if not isinstance(command, RSCommand): command = RSCommand(command) if command is RSCommand.HOME: # Reset indentation if self.indent > 0: self.indent = 0 await self.write("", refresh=True) if command is RSCommand.UNTAB: # Unindent if self.indent > 0: self.indent -= min(times, self.indent) await self.write("", refresh=True) elif command is RSCommand.TAB: # Indent self.indent += times await self.write("", refresh=True) elif command is RSCommand.ENTER: # Newline # Send empty str (impossible through Discord) return "" elif command is RSCommand.EOF: # STOP raise RealShellExit("Arrêt du shell.") return None
async def _check_reacts(self): """Preliminar step of self.get_order(). Returns (True, <value to be returned>) if a react has been anticipated, else False. """ reacts = self.message.reactions # Réactons déjà présentes if not reacts: # On ajoute les emojis si pas déjà présents (nouveau message) for command in RSCommand: await self.message.add_reaction(command.value) else: # Sinon, on regarde si un emoji est déjà cliqué try: react = next(r for r in reacts if r.count > 1) except StopIteration: # Pas le cas ==> on poursuit pass else: # C'est le cas : on trouve l'utilisateur async for user in react.users(): if user != # On enlève la réaction await react.remove(user) break command = RSCommand( # Et on applique la commande control_ret = await self.control(command) return (True, control_ret) return False
[docs] async def get_order(self): """Waits for an order (message or reaction) from a member. Add reactions if not present (new message) and waits for an interaction. Returns: - ``None`` -- if further instructions are needed. - :class:`str` -- if instruction is complete (push this into the shell!) Raises: .RealShellExit: if asked to stop shell (EOF). """ res = await self._check_reacts() if res: # Réaction anticipée, control effectué return res[1] def react_check(payload): # Check REACT : bon message et pas react du bot return (payload.message_id == and payload.user_id != def message_check(mess): # Check MESSAGE : bon channel et pas du bot return ( == and != react_task = asyncio.create_task( 'raw_reaction_add', check=react_check)) mess_task = asyncio.create_task(tools.wait_for_message( check=message_check, trigger_on_commands=True)) # On exécute les deux tâche concurremment done, pending = await asyncio.wait( {react_task, mess_task}, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) for task in pending: task.cancel() done_task = next(iter(done)) # done = tâche complétée if done_task == react_task: # Clic sur emoji de contrôle payload = done_task.result() # On enlève la réaction await self.message.remove_reaction(payload.emoji, payload.member) command = RSCommand( return (await self.control(command)) else: # Réponse par message / STOP message = done_task.result() text = message.content await message.delete() if (match := re.match("^<+", text)): await self.control(RSCommand.UNTAB, times=match.end()) text = text[match.end():] elif (match := re.match("^>+", text)): await self.control(RSCommand.TAB, times=match.end()) text = text[match.end():] if text == "=": return (await self.control(RSCommand.ENTER)) else: return (text or None)
[docs] async def write(self, data, *, refresh=False, show_caret=True): """Method called on each print / repr / traceback... Updates Discord message only if text ends with a prompt (:attr:`sys.ps1` or :attr:`sys.ps2`); adds it to an internal buffer otherwise. Args: data (str): text to display. refresh (bool): if ``True``, updates message whatever ``data`` is. show_caret (bool): if ``False``, does not display the cursor position (‸); implies that the shell is not ready for further instructions. """ if not hasattr(sys, "ps1"): sys.ps1 = '>>> ' if not hasattr(sys, "ps2"): sys.ps2 = '... ' if refresh or data.endswith(sys.ps1) or data.endswith(sys.ps2): # Prompt / refresh demandé data = self.rsbuffer + data # On vide le buffer self.rsbuffer = "" else: self.rsbuffer += data # On remplit le buffer return # Auto-indent à l'entrée dans un nouveau bloc if data.endswith(f":\n{sys.ps2}"): self.indent += 1 # Ajout caret d'insertion pour indiquer la position du curseur if show_caret: insert = " " * (self.indent * 4) + "‸" else: insert = "" # Actualisation message / nouvau si plein if len(self.content + data + insert) < 1990: self.content += data await self.message.edit(content=_py_bloc(self.content + insert)) else: # On enlève les commandes du message await self.message.clear_reactions() blocs = tools.smooth_split(data, N=1990) # On modifie le texte actuel self.content = blocs[-1] blocs[-1] += insert for bloc in blocs: message = await # On modifie le message actuel = dernier envoyé self.message = message
[docs] async def raw_input(self, prompt=""): """Method called when the shell waits for next instruction. Calls :meth:`.get_order` until it returns a :class:`str` (or propagates :exc:`.RealShellExit`) then displays it in the shell (without caret) before returning its value. Args: prompt (str): optional text to send before waiting for input. Returns: :class:`str` -- new instruction to compute. """ if prompt: await self.write(prompt, refresh=True) entree = None while entree is None: # Modifie l'indentation, stop ou récupère une ligne entree = await self.get_order() entree = " " * (self.indent * 4) + entree # Affiche l'entrée await self.write(entree + "\n", refresh=True, show_caret=False) return entree