Code source de lgrez.blocs.console

"""lg-rez / blocs / Console d'administration (avancé)

Permet de contrôler le bot depuis la console le faisant tourner.


import sys
import asyncio

import aioconsole
import asyncode
import discord

from lgrez import config

[docs]class CaptureLogs(): """Context manager: capture the messages posted to a Discord channel. Only capture messages posted by the bot itself: these messages are not sent at all to Discord. Args: chan (discord.TextChannel): the channel to capture. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize self.""" self._chan = config.Channel.logs self._calls = [] async def _cor(text, *args, **kwargs): self._calls.append(text) class _ProxyChannel(discord.TextChannel): def __init__(self): # We inherit TextChannel for type checks, but we # do NOT want to create a new TextChannel object pass def __getattribute__(slf, attr): if attr == "send": return _cor return getattr(self._chan, attr) self.proxy = _ProxyChannel() def __enter__(self): """Enter the context: start capturing.""" config.Channel.logs = self.proxy return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Exit the context: stop capturing.""" config.Channel.logs = self._chan @property def text(self): """str: The messages sent in the channel, joined with newlines.""" return "\n".join(self._calls)
[docs]class AdminConsole(asyncode.AsyncInteractiveConsole): """Python console to control LGBot from the running shell. (subclass of :class:`asyncode.AsyncInteractiveConsole`) Args: locals, filename: see :class:`asyncode.AsyncInteractiveConsole`. """ def __init__(self, locals={}, filename="__console__"): """Initialize self""" locals["_console"] = self super().__init__(locals, filename)
[docs] async def interact(self, banner=None, exitmsg="Byebye!"): """Launchs the console. (see :meth:`asyncode.AsyncInteractiveConsole.interact`) """ await aioconsole.aprint("\nLaunching interactive console...") if banner is None: base = ('Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for ' 'more information.\nasync REPL: use "await" directly ' 'instead of') warn = ('WARNING: Sending KeyboardInterrupt (^C) will stop ' 'the whole LGBot.') banner = f"Python {sys.version} on {sys.platform}\n{base}\n{warn}" try: await super().interact(banner, exitmsg) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as exc: yn = await aioconsole.ainput("Exit LG-Rez? (y/N) ") if yn.lower().strip() in ("o", "y", "oui", "yes"): raise KeyboardInterrupt from None
[docs] async def write(self, data): """Method called on each print / repr / traceback... Relies on :meth:`aioconsole.aprint`. Args: data (str): text to display. """ if not hasattr(sys, "ps1"): sys.ps1 = '>>> ' if not hasattr(sys, "ps2"): sys.ps2 = '... ' await aioconsole.aprint(data, end="")
[docs] async def raw_input(self, prompt=""): """Method called when the console waits for next instruction. Relies on :meth:`aioconsole.ainput`. Args: prompt (str): optional text to send before waiting for input. Returns: :class:`str`: The new instruction to compute. """ if prompt: await self.write(prompt) entree = await aioconsole.ainput() if entree.startswith( # Exécution de commande entree = await execute_command(entree) return entree
[docs]async def run_admin_console(locals): """Launch the Admin console and restart it if crashing. Args: locals (dict): the objects accessible from the console. """ while True: await asyncio.sleep(1) cons = AdminConsole(locals=locals) await cons.interact() await aioconsole.aprint("Aborted, restarting admin console...")
[docs]async def execute_command(entree): """Execute a command. Create a fake message in the #logs channel by the server owner, and process it while capturing the output in the channel. Args: entree (str): The command to execute (must begin with the command prefix) Returns: str: The messages get in response to the command execution, joined with newlines. """ message = (await config.Channel.logs.history(limit=1).flatten())[0] # On a besoin de récupérer un message, ici le dernier de #logs = config.guild.owner message.content = entree ctx = await _calls = [] async def _cor(text, *args, **kwargs): _calls.append(text) ctx.send = _cor ctx.reply = _cor with CaptureLogs() as cc: await text = "\n".join(_calls) if cc.text: text += f"\n[LOGGED] > {cc.text}" text = text.replace('"""', '\\"\\"\\"') return f'print("""{text}""")'