Code source de lgrez.blocs.structure

"""lg-rez / blocs / Vérification de structure


from contextlib import contextmanager
import enum
import types
from typing import Any, Iterator, Iterable

import discord

[docs]class Union(list): """Represent a union of possible structures. Args: *args: Accepted structures. """ def __init__(self, *args) -> None: super().__init__(args) # Pack items def __hash__(self) -> int: return 0 # don't do that def __str__(self) -> str: return " OR ".join(str(item) for item in self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return " OR ".join(repr(item) for item in self)
Data = dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None Model = Union | type | types.UnionType | dict | list | None
[docs]class MatchError(RuntimeError): """Error occuring when matching a structure. Derives from :exc:`RuntimeError`. Args: msg: Exception message. data: Object we try to match. model: Structure we want to match on. path: JSON-like path from the structure root. """ def __init__( self, msg: str, data: Data, model: Model, path: list[str], ) -> None: path_str = " > ".join(path) lines = [ msg, f" * Path: {path_str}", f" * Model: {model!r}", f" * Data: {data!r}", ] super().__init__("\n".join(lines))
class _StructureMatcher: def __init__(self) -> None: self.path = [] @contextmanager def _dig_in(self, step: str) -> Iterator[None]: self.path.append(step) try: yield finally: self.path.pop(-1) def _check_structure_generic_dict(self, data: dict, model: dict) -> None: model_key, model_value = next(iter(model.items())) for key, value in data.items(): with self._dig_in("(new key)"): self.check_structure(key, model_key) with self._dig_in(f'"{key}"'): self.check_structure(value, model_value) def _check_structure_dict(self, data: dict, model: dict) -> None: for key, model_value in model.items(): if key not in data: raise MatchError( f"Missing {key!r} in data.", data, model, self.path ) with self._dig_in(key): self.check_structure(data[key], model_value) def _check_structure_generic_list(self, data: list, model: list) -> None: model_item = next(iter(model)) for count, item in enumerate(data): with self._dig_in(f"[{count}]"): self.check_structure(item, model_item) def _check_structure_list(self, data: list, model: list) -> None: if len(data) != len(model): raise MatchError( "Lists are not of same length.", data, model, self.path ) for count, (data_item, model_item) in enumerate(zip(data, model)): with self._dig_in(f"[{count}]"): self.check_structure(data_item, model_item) def _check_structure_enum(self, data: Any, model: enum.EnumMeta) -> None: try: model[data] except (KeyError, TypeError): raise MatchError( f"Data is not one in the values list.", data, Union( for elem in model), self.path, ) from None @staticmethod def _is_generic(iterable: list | dict) -> bool: if len(iterable) != 1: return False key = next(iter(iterable)) if isinstance(key, str | int | float | bool | type(None)): return False return True def test_structure(self, data: Data, model: Model) -> bool: try: self.check_structure(data, model) except MatchError: return False else: return True def check_structure(self, data: Data, model: Model) -> None: match model, data: # OR case Union(), _: for submodel in model: if self.test_structure(data, submodel): break else: raise MatchError( "Could not match data on either of models.", data, model, self.path ) # Type restriction case (enum.EnumMeta() | discord.enums.EnumMeta()), _: self._check_structure_enum(data, model) case type(), model(): # isinstance but 500 IQ (self-slurping yes) pass case type(), _: raise MatchError( f"Data is not of requested type.", data, model, self.path ) case types.UnionType(), _: if not isinstance(data, model): raise MatchError( f"Data is not of any of the requested types.", data, model, self.path ) # Submodel case dict(), dict() if self._is_generic(model): self._check_structure_generic_dict(data, model) case dict(), dict(): self._check_structure_dict(data, model) case list(), list() if self._is_generic(model): self._check_structure_generic_list(data, model) case list(), list(): self._check_structure_list(data, model) case (dict() | list()), _: raise MatchError( f"Data is not of requested type.", data, model, self.path ) # Literal case (str() | int() | float() | True | False | None), _: if data != model: raise MatchError( f"Data is not the required literal.", data, model, self.path ) # Fallback case _: raise MatchError(f"Could not match.", data, model, self.path)
[docs]def check_structure(data: Data, model: Model) -> None: """Check that a given object matches a required structure. Args: data: Object to match. model: Structure to match on. Raises: .MatchError: If matching failed. """ _StructureMatcher().check_structure(data, model)
[docs]def check_server_structure( structure: dict, required_roles: Iterable[str], required_channels: Iterable[str], required_emojis: Iterable[str], ) -> None: """Check that the given dict represents a valid server structure. Args: structure: The dict to check. required_roles: The slugs of roles needed in the structure. required_channels: The slugs of channels needed in the structure. required_emojis: The slugs of emojis needed in the structure. Raises: .MatchError: If matching failed. """ # Pseudo-types autorisés dans la structure role = Union("@everyone", *structure.get("roles", {})) channel = Union() for categ in structure.get("categories", {}).values(): channel.extend(categ.get("channels", {})) permission = Union(*discord.Permissions.VALID_FLAGS) PermissionsGroup = enum.Enum( "PermissionsGroup", { prop: getattr(discord.Permissions, prop)() for prop in [ "advanced", "all", "all_channel", "general", "membership", "none", "stage", "stage_moderator", "text", "voice", ] } ) # Structure requise required_structure = { "name": str, "icon": Union(None, { "drive": bool, "png_path_or_id": str, }), "afk_channel": Union(channel, None), "afk_timeout": int, "verification_level": discord.VerificationLevel, "default_notifications": discord.NotificationLevel, "explicit_content_filter": discord.ContentFilter, "system_channel": channel, "system_channel_flags": { "join_notifications": bool, "premium_subscriptions": bool, }, "preferred_locale": str, "roles": { str: { "name": str, "color": str, "hoist": bool, "mentionable": bool, "permissions": Union(PermissionsGroup, [permission]), }, }, "base_role": role, "everyone_permissions": [permission], "categories": { str: { "name": str, "overwrites": {role: {permission: bool}}, "channels": { str: { "name": str, "topic": str | None, "overwrites": {role: {permission: bool | None}}, }, }, "voice_channels": { str: { "name": str, "overwrites": {role: {permission: bool | None}}, }, }, }, }, "emojis": { "drive": bool, "folder_path_or_id": str, "required": {str: str}, "restrict_roles": {str: Union(None, [role])}, }, } check_structure(structure, required_structure) # Vérification éléments imposés minimums for role in required_roles: if role == "everyone": continue if not role in structure["roles"]: raise RuntimeError( "config.server_structure[\"roles\"]: " f"Missing role \"{role}\", required for playing!" ) for channel in required_channels: for categ in structure["categories"].values(): if channel in categ["channels"]: break else: raise RuntimeError( "config.server_structure[\"categories\"][<any categ>]" "[\"channels\"]: " f"Missing channel \"{channel}\", required for playing!" ) for emoji in required_emojis: if not emoji in structure["emojis"]["required"]: raise RuntimeError( "config.server_structure[\"emojis\"]: " f"Missing emoji \"{emoji}\", required for playing!" )